Water delivery firms complying with sanitary order

Water delivery companies are now complying with the stricter sanitary policies imposed by the city government in the wake of the diarrhea outbreak last January.
Sanitation Division Officer-in-Charge Roberto Bruce Colewan told the Management Committee meeting on Feb. 20 that most of the legitimate companies which cover those that operate deep wells and delivery trucks have abided by the corrective measures contained in the sanitary order issued by their office to level up the sanitation standards in their work stations.
While monitoring the companies’ compliance, the Sanitation Division Colewan continued to conduct random testing of water delivery businesses including delivery trucks and those found positive for microorganisms were immediately shut down and allowed to operate only upon implementation of corrective measures and obtaining negative test results from succeeding tests.
Last Feb. 16, a deep well in Kias was ordered closed after failing the water sampling. Retest will be conducted after complying with the recommendations in the sanitary order.
Colewan said that most of the water companies have required their employees to use personal protective equipment like hair nets, rubber gloves and boots and uniforms for proper identification and are now maintaining log books of their clients.
Compliance with the order not to service unregistered water companies was also noted.
Majority have also installed a chlorination system as a preventive measure against contamination but city officials agreed that this will be regularly monitored by the Sanitation Division to ensure proper usage.
Colewan said they have listed more than 100 water delivery companies operating in the city with only 39 operating with business permits. Some of the colorum ones have started to legitimize their operations, he said.
He said 95 percent of the water delivery trucks have also been accounted for and those unlicensed will be required to obtain their licenses as soon as possible.
The City Permits and Licensing Division earlier issued notices of violation to unregistered companies and the city expects them to comply with the permit requirement soon. – Aileen P. Refuerzo