Mayor Benjamin Magalong and Councilor Betty Lourdes Tabanda, pose with the Sanitation steering committee chair, co-chair, and members, City Environment and Parks Management Office (CEPMO) head Atty. Rhenan Diwas, City Health Services Office (CHSO) head Dr. Rowena Galpo, Engr. Marivic Empizo and Elias Aoanan of the City Planning and Development Office (CPDO), Rodrigo Samuel Martinez of the City Engineers Office (CEO), City Treasurer Alex Cabarubias, Henry Desierto of Saint Louis University (SLU), Antonette Anaban of the City Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO); and counterparts from the UNICEF: Carlos Vasquez and Elmira Bacatan; and Asian Development Bank (ADB): Thuy Trang Dang and Max Friedrich, consultant; after a short forum at city hall, Wednesday morning.
The forum focused on the implementation of the Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) strategy about water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and health awareness, encompassed by Mayor Magalong’s just-issued Executive Order 111.
EO 111 provides the steering committee oversight and guidance to support, develop and implement the ADB-funded Baguio Resilient City Tourism Project (BRCTP) and other initiatives. – Julie G Fianza / Photos by Neil Clark Ongchangco