Vaccination/booster shots needed – Panes

Following the rise in Covid-19 cases, Health Services Office – City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (HSO-CESU) head Dr. Donabel Tubera-Panes appealed for observance of minimum public health standards including the use of facemask, social distancing and handwashing; and vaccination.
The increase in cases, from 18 last week to 103 this week, may be attributed to mobility and local travels in and out of the city during the holidays, Panes said. The Omicron variant cases may not be far behind, with belated Genome sequencing laboratory reports, it was known.
However, in comparison; there were more hospitalizations during the same period last year than this year, Panes added.
In a World Health Organization (WHO) report, it was stated that not one vaccine is considered 100% protective. Vaccines however give a high degree of protection against getting seriously ill and dying, Dr. Panes said.
The Omicron variant which emerged during the last month of 2021, is said to be more infectious but was observed to be less severe. Filipino patients were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms, and no fatalities were recorded. All cases and those contact-traced have completed their isolation and are considered recovered, it was also reported.
It would be a big factor to be vaccinated to prevent hospitalization, and not to put pressure on hospital capacity, Panes reminded. She also mentioned that illnesses such as Dengue, Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases aside from Covid are treated in the city’s 385-hospital bed capacity; thus the foresight to free as much for patients needing confinement and treatment. – Julie G. Fianza