UC recognized for placing 2nd Top Performing Criminology School

City officials recently congratulated and commended the University of the Cordilleras (UC) for being the second top performing school nationwide with a rating of 84.75 percent in the April 2023 criminology licensure examination.
In a resolution, local legislators stated that the people and officialdom of the city are proud of the UC for their significant accomplishment that is why it is but fitting to congratulate and commend the higher education institution for its relentless hard work and determination to produce competent professionals worthy of laudable recognition and for continuously bringing pride and honor to the city as the education center of the north.
Earlier, the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) conducted the criminology licensure examination nationwide on April 3-5, 2023 in various testing centers located around the country.
Further, the PRC announced that out of the 13,000 examinees that took the said examination, 4,139 passed the said examination.
UC, one of the top criminology schools in the country, ranked second top performing criminology school nationwide with a rating of 84.75 percent with 100 successful examinees out of the 118 that took the examination during the said period.
Copies of the aforesaid resolution will be furnished to the UC administration for information, guidance and ready reference. – Dexter A. See