UC commends as no. 6 Top Performing Criminology School

City officials commended and congratulated the University of the Cordilleras (UC) as the Top 6 performing schools nationwide with a rating of 84.62 percent in the December 2022 criminology licensure examination.
In a resolution, local legislators stated that the city as the education center of the north, is proud of UC for this significant accomplishment, therefore, it is fitting to commend the higher education institution for its relentless hard work and determination to produce competent professionals worthy of educable recognition.
Earlier, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) conducted the criminology licensure examination nationwide on December 4-6, 2022 in various testing centers nationwide.
Further, the PRC disclosed that out of 33,489 examinees, 11,098 of them passed the said stringent examination which is one of the major requirements for qualified individuals to be able to enter the uniformed service of the Philippine National Police (PNP).
Based on the PRC advisory, UC ranked 6th as a top performing school nationwide during the said examination with a rating of 84.62 percent with 44 successful examinees out of the 52 individuals who took the said examination.
The criminology licensure examination is administered by the PRC which is a stepping stone for criminologists wanting to enter the PNP and other attached national support units.
The criminology licensure examination is held twice a year in various testing centers that are designated by the PRC. – Dexter A. See