Turnover of Responsibilities in TESDA-CAR

(Photo Caption from left to right in a sequence)
(1st photo) – (l) Sec. Isidro S. Lapeña and Dir. Jeffrey Ian Dy (right) Dir. Dante Navarro during the turn-over ceremony; (2nd photo) Sec. Isidro S. Lapeña and Dir. Jeffrey Ian Dy at the Central Office; (3rd photo) – (top left) Dir. Dante Navarro (top right) Dir. Joel Pilotin (bottom center) Sec. Isidro S. Lapeña; (4th photo) – (left) Dir. Braulio Dela Peña and staff, and (right) Dir. Jimmico Daoaten; (5th photo) – (left) Dir. Alvin Yturralde and (right) Dir. Julie Ann Banganan. TESDA File photos
The Turnover of Responsibilities of the Regional Directors of TESDA CAR was conducted during the Flag Raising Ceremony at the TESDA Central Office. Dir. Dante J. Navarro, the outgoing Regional Director relinquished his duties and responsibilities to the newly appointed Regional Director of TESDA, Dir. Jeffrey Ian C. Dy.
Dir. Navarro will continue his services in TESDA Region IV-B (MIMAROPA) and Dir. Jeffrey Ian C. Dy will be serving CAR as his first assignment as a Regional Director, effective October 18, 2021.
Likewise, the three (3) Provincial Directors of TESDA Abra, Benguet, and Mt. Province relinquished their posts to the incoming Provincial Directors of the said provinces, also effective October 18, 2021.
PD Jimmicio S. Daoaten will replace PD Braulio Dela Peña in PO Abra, PD Julie Ann D. Banganan will replace PD Alvin L. Yturralde in PO Mt. Province, and PD Joel M. Pilotin will replace PD Elizabeth D. Manio in Benguet. PD Joel M. Pilotin is also the newly designated Assistant Regional Director of TESDA-CAR.
Dir. Navarro welcomed the new Provincial Directors and thanked the current and outgoing Provincial Directors for their support during his term.
Dir. Dy congratulated the new Provincial Directors of CAR. He also congratulated the outgoing Provincial Directors for their remarkable performance in the region.
“I intend to be a good steward while trying to absorb as much as institutional knowledge and culture in the next few months…together we are destined for greatness,” Dir. Dy said.
The turnover ceremony during Flag Raising was administered by Secretary Isidro S. Lapeña. ###