Traffic experiments proposed along BGH rotonda

City officials directed the Traffic and Transportation Management Division of the City Engineering Office (CEO-TTMD) and the Baguio City Police Office–Traffic Enforcement Unit (BCPO-TEU) to conduct a study and traffic experiment along the corner of North Sto. Tomas Road, Bakakeng Central–Palispis Highway, formerly Marcos highway, to the Baguio General Hospital (BGH) rotunda during rush hours in the morning and afternoon.
Under Resolution No. 507, series of 2022, these offices were also directed to submit possible modified number coding or other traffic schemes that will contribute in addressing the monstrous traffic congestions in this area during rush hours.
The council claimed that depending on the results of the study and the experiment, Ordinance No. 01, series of 2003, or the Baguio City Number Coding Scheme as amended by Ordinance No. 107, series of 2008, can be further amended as a way to address and improve traffic flow of motorists and vehicles in the area.
The body underscored that the purpose of the study is to come up with a best possible solution to lessen traffic congestion along Palispis Highway which directly affects vehicular traffic along the BGH rotonda to Kennon road, Kisad road and other roads.
Upon approval by the council and the City Mayor, the proposed study and traffic experiment shall be furnished to all department heads, city employees association, all national line agencies, radio and television stations, social media, Public Information Office and all transport cooperatives and corporations for widest dissemination.
Further, printed copies of the proposed study and experiment shall be disseminated to motorists along the affected roads at least 2 weeks before implementation.
Ordinance No. 5, series of 2017, which regulated the use of streets in the city by heavy equipment vehicles, trailers, dump trucks and other freight trucks with gross weight capacity of 4,500 kilograms or more and Ordinance No. 1, series of 2003, or the Baguio City Number Coding Scheme shall remain to be implemented.
Moreover, number coding for public utility jeepneys and school services shall be suspended during the duration of the experiment.
The body pointed out that if the result of the study is successful and useful in solving traffic congestion on the said road, a similar study and experiment shall be conducted in other major roads such as the Quirino highway, formerly Naguilian road, Kennon road and Buhagan road, formerly Bokawkan road, and other areas of concern.
With the ongoing in-person classes of students, the council disclosed that there is a noticeable difference in the traffic flow of vehicles and commuters causing slow vehicular traffic along the central business district and the major roads and highways going in and out of the city such as along Palispis Highway, especially during rush hours.
Studies and experiences show that one way to improve traffic flow in the said major roads and to ease long queues of commuters is to balance the use of private vehicles during certain hours in the promotion of public mass transportation. – Dexter A. See