Tourists told to practice ‘basura ko, bitbit ko’

City officials requested the Tourism and Special Events Division of the City Administrator’s Office, the owners or managers of the hotels, inns, transient houses, and other accommodation establishments in the city to emphasize the strict observance of the ‘basura ko, bitbit ko’ practice to their guests when going around the country’s undisputed Summer Capital.
Under Resolution No. 578, series of 2022, city legislators stated that the observance of the ‘basura ko, bitbit ko,’ with the cooperation of the residents and visitors and in partnership with the concerned offices and stakeholders, will contribute to a healthy environment.
During the Scout Official for a Day (SCOFAD) regular session held on November 7, 2022, the SOFAD Council adopted the proposal of SOFAD Councilor Tiffany Martheanne M. Fonite which requested the City Tourism Office, the owners or managers of hotels, inns, transient houses and other accommodation establishments to emphasize to their guests to observe the ‘basura ko, bitbit ko’ practice when going around the city.
The council pointed out that Baguio is a prime tourist destination in the north, a city of culture and craft and heritage sites that bring back the city’s glorious past, amidst a cool climate and warm people, and with all these attractions, the city is a highland dream destination that attracts people from all places.
Further, while vibrant tourism boosts the economy, it also generates a substantial amount of garbage from the visitors and tourists which exceeds the garbage generated by the residents.
In some areas in the city, particularly those frequented by visitors, the council disclosed that garbage is indiscriminately left on the streets, parks, alleys, waterways, and other open spaces by undisciplined people which degrades the condition of the environment.
According to the body, trash or garbage which cannot be immediately disposed of in areas because of unavailable trash bins should be kept or carried to be disposed of in an appropriate trash bin or disposal area.
The council stipulated that the ‘basura ko, bitbit ko’ resolution intends to instill for everyone a change of mindset and habits that would certainly help in minimizing the garbage problem in the city.
The said resolution was also referred to the City Solid Waste Management Board for information and consideration. – Dexter A. See