Tourism development guidelines in city eyed

The City Council, during last Monday’s regular session, approved on first reading a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance No. 61, series of 2009 otherwise known as the Revised tourism Code of Baguio City by including provisions for tourism development guidelines.
Under the said proposal, Section 40 of Ordinance No. 61, series of 2009 will be added to provide that supplement to existing laws regarding environmental protection, owners and operators of tourism-related or oriented establishments shall incorporate flora and fauna within their premises, wherever appropriate.
Further, Section 41 of the same ordinance stated that the guidelines articulates the integration or introduction of preservation methods of the city’s cultural identity and traditional values as pride of place.
Among the said guidelines include owners and operators of tourism-related or oriented establishments shall conspicuously incorporate artifacts, artworks or items of cultural value, to stimulate cultural education among patrons and guests; it is encouraged, whenever applicable and possible, that cultural themes be incorporated in the general aesthetics of the establishments; monitors within lobby or common guest areas should from time to time display or play videos about the city in general including culturally themed videos, clips and adverts; tourism-related or oriented establishments that offer production performances as form of guest entertainment should incorporate culturally themed performances and tourism-related or oriented establishments in the food and beverage industry should incorporate in their menu at least one indigenous or local delicacy and promote the same as a local specialty.
Moreover, for purposes of promoting local cottage industries, such as but not limited to wood carving, basket and textile weaving, crafts and souvenirs and other such production industries participated in by indigent members of the society under local livelihood programs, tourism-related and oriented establishments are encouraged to display such works whenever or wherever applicable and upon endorsement of the City Tourism Office.
The ordinance stipulated that no person shall be allowed to work as tour guide in the city unless he or she has secured proof that the applicant has passed a seminar for tour guides duly conducted by the tourism department or other government agencies duly authorized by the agency to conduct seminars; certificate of good health issued by any duly accredited government physician; clearance for the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), police clearance and barangay clearance; in the case of alien applicants, proof of employment with duly licensed agency, permit to work or registration certificate from the labor department and proof of reciprocity and latest income tax return.
The ordinance added that tourism -related establishments which are duly registered and licensed by the city shall be entitled merit-based award system on top performing businesses on account of aspects relative but not limited to aggressive exhibition of corporate social responsibility, charitable activities, customer-based feedback systems and expansive programs that relate to initiatives on tourism development. – Dexter A. See