Three Former rebels receive Financial Assistance in Benguet

On top of the cash aid that they will be receiving from the government under the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (ECLIP), three former rebels who have recently returned to the folds of the law have received financial assistance from Governor Melchor Daguines Diclas on February 2, 2022.
In a simple ceremony held at Benguet Provincial Capitol, PBGEN RONALD O LEE personally graced and witnessed the turn-over of firearms and ammunitions of the former rebels.
The said event was also attended by the Provincial Director of Benguet PPO, PCOL REYNALDO DR PASIWEN.
In a Facebook post of the Governor’s Office-Benguet, Gov. Diclas thanked the Philippine National Police for their continued effort for the efficient and effective implementation of the whole-of-nation approach against insurgency.
Meanwhile, PBGEN LEE commended the former rebels for their courage in returning to the folds of the law and further urged the other members and supporters of CTGs to also surrender to the authorities. (PROCOR-PIO)