50 years after the declaration of Martial Law, the Marcoses are once again in power. The elections, despite being championed as the full realization of democracy, have their limitations in a country governed by corrupt and rotten politics. The Marcos win does not entail that the people have forgotten. Through their family’s ill-gotten wealth and their circle of powerful allies, the Marcoses have created grand machinery of disinformation and historical distortion that assault the peoples’ consciousness. Myth-making, after all, is their family’s business and expertise.
However, they cannot defeat the people’s history and legacy of resistance against tyranny and injustice. As long as our country remains in peril, the people will find unity in struggle, just like how the Kaigorotan found unity in the Anti-Chico Dams and Anti-CRC struggle.
Let the 50th anniversary of Martial Law be marked with these words: The Cordillera remembers. We will never forget, and we say never again.
On September 21, 2022, the Cordillera people commemorated the 50th anniversary of Ferdinand Marcos Sr’s Martial Law declaration.
With the theme “Continuing Cordillera’s Shining Legacy of Resistance Against Tyranny and Injustice,” the September 21 activities conducted in Baguio City aimed to shed light on the atrocities of the Marcos Dictatorship in the Cordillera.
Mass in remembrance of Martial Law
The commemorative activities began with a morning mass at the Baguio Cathedral officiated by its Parochial Vicar Rev. Fr. Marion Joseph S. Nebres. Martial law victims and survivors were also present in the mass.
Commemorative Solidarity March
More than 300 people gathered at Sunshine Park for the commemorative Solidarity March. Placards bearing issue-based calls and anti-dictatorship sentiments were raised high by the youth together with banners that register the main call of “Never Again, Never Forget.” Apart from these, an effigy of Marcos Jr. and a mural of Cordillera heroes and martyrs served as the centerpiece of the march.
From Sunshine Park, the crowd marched to Benitez Hall, Teacher’s Camp for the Cultural Night. Photo Courtesy of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines- Cordillera Chapter