TESDA train 30 PDLs in Restaurant Services

BAGUIO CITY – 30 Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) and two correctional officers from the Baguio City Jail were trained in Restaurant Services. Bryan E. Agramos, a trainer from the Baguio City School of Arts and Trades (BCSAT), led the training.
The skills training was held at the Baguio City Jail Multipurpose hall on May 18-20, 2022. The said intervention aims to give PDLs the opportunity to acquire skills that they can use when they return to society. They can also utilize the skills while inside the prison, such as applying it during special occasions in the jail.
Skills on table skirting, napkin folding, table appointment arrangement, serving, and bussing out were taught to the participants. They can work as waitstaff or waiters in the food industry after learning these skills.
Arlene Cadalig, Vocational School Administrator of the BCSAT congratulated the participants on their active participation.
“I hope that you have learned something from the training that you can use for the betterment of your lives. Do not stop learning. We have various training that are under the scholarship programs. Please inform your family members, relatives, and friends to avail of the programs provided by the government,” she said.
Cadalig also said that BCSAT will upskill more PDLs with its continued partnership with the Baguio City Jail. ###