Technical Support Company, Champ in Force Commander’s Challenge

The Technical Support Company emerged as the champion of the first-ever “Force Commander’s Challenge” of the Regional Mobile Force Batallion 15 (RMFB15) held at Dam 2, Philex Mines, Ampucao, Tuba, Benguet on December 9-10, 2021.
The challenge was participated by seventy (70) personnel or seven (7) teams with ten (10) personnel each from the RMFB Battalion Headquarters, Technical Support Company, and five maneuver companies based in Mt. Province, Ifugao, Kalinga, Abra, and Apayao.
The competition has seven (7) stages: First Stage-Long Range Firing; Second Stage-Close Quarter Battle; Third Stage-Barricaded Course; Fourth Stage-Counter Ambush Course; Fifth Stage-Steel Plate Course; Sixth Stage-Jungle Trail Course; and Seventh Stage-Endurance Firing Course.
During the closing ceremony, graced by PCOL RAMIL L SACULLES, the Technical Support Company was awarded for being the Champion; the Battalion Headquarters for First Place; 1502nd Maneuver Company for the Second Place; and 1504th Maneuver Company for the Third place.
The said competition was initiated by RMFB15 to enhance the tactical capabilities of the personnel and interoperability between the maneuver companies which are essential to their unit’s effectiveness.
In his message, PCOL SACULLES congratulated all the participants and the whole RMFB 15 under the leadership of PLTCOL JOSHUA ALEJANDRO, Force Commander, for successfully organizing and conduction the challenge.
“It is another mission accomplished for everyone present during this challenge. I believe that every one of you learned and improved your marksmanship skills through this Commander’s Challenge”, he added. (PROCOR-PIO)