In Photo: Bagulin Multi-Purpose Cooperative is now an Accredited Collecting Agent of the Social Security System. The accreditation, through signing a Memorandum of Agreement between the two agencies, was done last August 7, 2024, at the BMPC Office in Bagulin, La Union. Present during the MoA signing are (from left to right) SSS La Union Assistant Branch Head Dionicia Aquino, SSS La Union Branch Head Francisco Pentecostes, SSS Luzon Operations Group Senior Vice President Atty. Antonio Argabioso, BMPC Chairperson Katlyn Gacao, SSS Luzon North 1 Division Vice President Ceasar P. Saludo, BMPC Manager Dario Sallatic and BMPC Secretary Stilete Saltiban. (SSS BMPC File Photo)
Bagulin, La Union – The Social Security System welcomed Bagulin Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BMPC) as a new accredited collecting agent after both offices formally signed a Memorandum of Agreement sealing their partnership.
As a collecting agent, BMPC is authorized to collect SSS and Employees’ Compensation (EC) Contributions, member loan amortizations, and miscellaneous payments from its regular or associate members who are self-employed or voluntary SSS members.
“As we aim to bring SSS services closer to the community, we appreciate the willingness and readiness of Bagulin Multi-Purpose Cooperative to be our partner in this endeavor,” Senior Vice President for Luzon Operations Group Atty. Antonio Argabioso said.
Ms. Katlyn Gacao, Chairperson of BMPC, said that the partnership with SSS will allow them to expand their membership and strengthen their cooperation. “As of now we have almost 1,600 members; most of them are farmers and small business owners. With SSS as an additional service we can give to our members, we are very positive that our number will grow in the coming months,” Gacao said.
BMPC, established in 1991 in Bagulin, La Union, provides credit, loan services, and consumer assistance to its members. It is the third accredited collecting agent under the SSS La Union Branch, joining New Society MPC in San Gabriel and Old Central MPC in Sudipen. ###