BACNOTAN, La Union β The Social Security System (SSS) La Union (San Fernando City) and Agoo branches forged an agreement with the administrators of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU) for the social security coverage of more than 200 Job Order (JO) Workers from all the state universityβs six campuses in La Union province.
Under the KaSSSanga-Collect Program, JO workers, who are not covered by Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) benefits, will be registered as self-employed members of the SSS. Meanwhile, DMMMSU shall be responsible for the remittance of their JO workers’ SSS contributions through the salary deduction scheme. Effective January 2023, Self-Employed members, depending on their monthly salary, may pay P570.00/month as a minimum contribution to P4,230 as a maximum contribution.
Through this partnership, JOs will be provided with social security benefits such as sickness, maternity, disability, retirement, death, and funeral benefits. Further, they can also avail of Employees Compensation (EC) benefits for work-related contingencies and various loan privileges such as salary, calamity, housing, and pension loan.
The six participating campuses of DMMMSU include Central Administration Campus, Apiculture Research Institute, North La Union Campus, Mid-La Union Campus, South La Union Campus, and the Open University System Campus.
Top photo shows (standing) SSS Accounts Officers from SSS La Union and SSS Agoo branches, and (seated, from L-R) University Legal Officer Atty. Rozanne Victoria Buccat-Villamin, SSS Agoo Branch Head Roderick Andrada, SSS Luzon North 1 Division Vice President Ceasar Saludo, DMMMSU President Dr. Jaime Manuel Jr., SSS La Union
Branch Head Francisco Pentecostes and DMMMSU Director for Administrative Services Atty. Kristine Gay Balanag during the ceremonial signing last May 31, 2023, at DMMMSU Central Administration Campus.
SSS is continuously inviting all interested Local/Provincial Government Units (LGUs/PGUs), State Universities and Colleges, and other government agencies with Job Order Workers or Contract of Service Workers to coordinate with the Accounts Management Section of SSS to be able to cover their workers to various social security protection programs of SSS. ### (PR)