SSS branches receive DOH recognition

Social Security System (SSS) branches located in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) were recognized by the Department of Health – Cordillera Center for Health Development (DOH-CHD-CAR) as the Most Distinguished Implementer of Republic Act No. 10028: Mother-Baby Friendly Workplace.
SSS branches in Bangued, Bontoc, Baguio, and Trinidad received accreditation from DOH-CHD-CAR after they successfully complied with the implementation of RA 10028 or the Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009 which requires all workplaces, whether for profit or non-profit, to set up lactation stations for SSS members including their beneficiaries and employees.
“SSS truly supports this law by providing safe spaces for our female members, their beneficiaries, and employees while nurturing their babies within our branch premises,” SSS Vice President for Luzon North 1 Division Caesar P. Saludo said.
The recognition ceremony was part of the health forum spearheaded by the Cordillera Center for Health Development during the Am-Among for Health and Gawad Kalusugan 2023 held at the Crowne Legacy Hotel, Baguio City last October 20, 2023.
Photo shows SSS Medical Specialist III of Luzon North Division Dra. Marie Ann Reinelda Rasco, (3rd from left) received the plaque of recognition from (L to R) DOH-CHD-CAR Assistant Regional Director Dr. Janice Z. Bugtong, DOH-CHD-CAR Regional Director Dr. Rio L. Magpantay and National Nutrition Council OIC Regional Program Coordinator Bella Basalong. ### (PR)