SSS Bangued, BJMP to assist PDLs in contribution remittance through AlkanSSSya Program

SSS Bangued, BJMP to assist PDLs in contribution remittance through AlkanSSSya Program

In Photo: Social Security System (SSS) Vice President for Luzon North 1 Division Ceasar Saludo (2nd from left) and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) Jail Warden Senior Inspector Franz Marc Ganitano (3rd from left) ink a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the implementation of AlkanSSSya in Bucay District Jail, which was witnessed by (from left) SSS Bangued Branch Head Edward Urua, Jail Officer III Roger Tordil, and SSS Bangued Accounts Management Unit Head Benjamin Rivera.

BANGUED, Abra – The Social Security System said that 50 persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) will now have social security coverage from the SSS after the SSS Bangued Branch and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) sealed an agreement for the AlkanSSSya Program.

SSS Vice President for Luzon North 1 Division Ceasar Saludo and BJMP Acting District Jail Warden Junior Inspector Franz Marc Ganitano led the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for implementing the program in Bucay District Jail on June 11, 2024.

Saludo said that the agreement is part of the SSS’ commitment to extend social security coverage to all Filipinos, especially those who belong to vulnerable groups like the PDLs.

Under the SSS AlkanSSSya Program, Saludo said that PDLs will be registered as self-employed SSS members, and designated BJMP personnel will collect and remit the PDLs’ monthly contributions to SSS Bangued.

“PDLs can set aside P19 per day or a portion of their monthly earnings from handicrafts making and poultry raising to save up for their P570 monthly Social Security (SS) and Employees’ Compensation (EC) contributions. They can also increase their monthly contributions, depending on their income source,” Saludo said.

He said that regular contribution remittance will qualify them for SSS benefits such as sickness, maternity for female PDLs, disability, retirement, death, and funeral, as well as loan privileges like salary and calamity.

Saludo added that in addition to the regular SS benefits, PDLs are also eligible to receive EC benefits in case of work-connected sickness, injury, or death.

“While incarcerated, these people still deserve to have social security protection. Hence, SSS extended social security coverage to them through the AlkanSSSya Program, which is part of our mandate to secure the welfare of all Filipino workers in times of contingencies,” Saludo concluded.

Aside from PDLs, SSS members from Public Utility Vehicle Operators and Drivers Associations, market vendor associations, cooperatives, and other informal sector groups may join the SSS AlkanSSSya program. ### (PR)