Sisterhood committee told to submit reports

City officials recently tasked the Secretariat of the Baguio City Sister Cities Executive Committee to regularly submit post-event or activity reports to the local legislative body.
Under Resolution No. 552, series of 2023, local legislators stated that the city is committed to establishing sisterhood and twinning alliances with other cities and municipalities of like qualities for the purpose of fostering long-term mutual partnerships that assist communities gain a national and global perspective to the challenges they face through planned cultural, educational, business or trade and humanitarian assistance exchanges as expressed in the Ordinance No. 42, series of 2008 or the sisterhood and Twinning ordinance of Baguio city.
Pursuant to the said ordinance, it is the policy of the city government to prescribe and formalize structures for the development and sustainability of its sisterhood and twinning programs.
Earlier, the body considered the matters, issues and suggestions raised by the members during the September 11, 2023 regular session relative to the activities and programs of the sisterhood and twinning program of the local government, including the data on the status of sisterhood between the city and other cities not only in the country but also in other nations.
Based on the data presented to the body, Baguio City has approximately 38 sister cities and municipalities in the different parts of the country and more than 30 sister cities from the different parts of the globe. However, some of the said sister cities have not been active for quite some time that prompted the body to task the Secretariat of the Baguio city Sisterhood and Twinning Executive Committee to update the members on the status of the city’s sisterhood and twinning ties with its existing partners to be able to appropriately act on whatever suggestions and recommendations to strengthen such relationships with other cities and maximize the potentials of such engagements. – Dexter A. See