SICRI colleagues, friends, and island advocates celebrate two decade milestone

This year, the Small Island Cultures Research Initiative (SICRI) celebrate a remarkable milestone: the SICRI’s 20th anniversary. The co-convenors are honoured to reflect on SICRI’s journey. Since its inauguration in 2004 and over two decades, SICRI has fostered a vibrant community of scholars, practitioners, and islanders united by a shared passion for understanding and preserving the richness of small island cultures.
SICRI has hosted 18 International Small Island Cultures Conferences and Symposia on small islands across the globe and published a number of proceedings, co-edited journal volumes, reached out to form partnerships and set up new initiatives, including the New Voices in Island Studies (NVIS), generated several creative outputs through podcasts and audiovisual essays and created a brand new website.
Its collective work has shed light on the creativity and diversity of island communities and believe that SICRI has fostered a network spirit that: promotes interdisciplinary islands research and collaborations, supports island-based initiatives, amplifies island voices and many lasting friendships!
As SICRI looks to the future, they recommit to support islanders as knowledge-holders and nurture the next generation of island scholars. A big thank you to SICRI’s founders, Professors Phil Hayward and Danny Long, the SICRI Advisory Board, the network’s members and partners. Their contribution has made SICRI a friendly network for island research and advocacy.
“Since its formation 20 years ago, SICRI has inspired a generation of emerging island scholars and has been a uniquely stimulating organisation that has exceeded the most optimistic projections of its founders.” – Professor Phil Hayward – SICRI co-founder, SHIMA Editor
“SICRI’s two-decade-long commitment to help promoting small island communities and their cultures is ever so relevant today as we face old and new challenges together”
– Dr Helen Dawson – SICRI AB Chair; Affiliate Research Fellow, Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology, Freie Universität Berlin“Congratulations to SICRI on its 20th anniversary! Over the years, SICRI has been a vital platform for advancing the study and celebration of small island cultures, fostering connections and collaborations across the globe. Here’s to many more years of impactful research and meaningful exchange. It’s been a pleasure to be part of SICRI from the beginning and to witness its growth and achievements. I look forward to seeing how SICRI continues to shape our understanding of small island cultures in the years to come.”
– Prof. Henry Jonhson – Former SICRI AB Chair; University of Otago, NZ
“Reflecting on my five-year journey with SICRI, we’ve been sailing through uncharted waters, steadily growing into a vibrant global network dedicated to exploring and supporting island cultures. The continued passion and collaboration within our community are like the winds guiding us toward deeper understanding and stronger connections across diverse and distant shores. Here’s to many more voyages of discovery, success, and shared insights.” (PR)
– Associate Prof. Meng Qu (Mo) 渠蒙 – SICRI Co-Convenor; Vice Director, Center for Advanced Tourism Studies (CATS), Hokkaido University
“As SICRI’s Co-Convenor for the past 6 years, I’ve witnessed the power of inter/trans/disciplinary island research and global collaboration. I’m honoured to have contributed to this vital work. Here’s to many more years of island collaborations that further knowledge on island cultures!” – Associate Prof. Evangelia (Valia) Papoutsaki – SICRI Co-Convenor; Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand. Here’s to 20 more years of collaboration, innovation, and island knowledge! Warm island regards from SICRI’s co-convenors.