Responsible use of social media pressed

Responsible use of social media pressed

A city government department head is pushing for the responsible use of social media, especially among the youth, to avoid negativity.

City Local Civil Registrar Luz Perez reminded people not to forget to put their phones down every now and then because real life is more interesting and exciting.

She narrated that one of the reasons why she does not usually post or even read social media posts is that it is filled with negativity.

Further, she saw people complain about the pettiest things, even posting the food they cook and eat, what they are doing and where they are and even the simplest to the silliest things that they do, they like everyone to know.

“Social media has elevated and raised grumbling to an art. I just wonder if we are becoming so entitled that the slightest discomfort warrants telling the whole world. Some are happy to bash and destroy people instead of treating others online with the same respect and kindness one would do offline. They are so quick to point out flaws when it is just easy to praise people,” Perez stressed.

According to her, “think before you click and let us be mindful of our words and actions, as they can have a significant impact on others’ well-being.”

Perez expressed that people should focus on lifting each other up instead as a kind word can make someone’s day and have a ripple effect.

The city government department head argued that while social media can enhance connections, it should not replace genuine human interaction.

Worst, she claimed that social media can be addictive, thus, people must learn to set limits on their own usage, schedule regular breaks and disconnect when necessary to maintain a healthy balance.

She reminded people not to feel pressured to portray a perfect life, embrace their flaws and celebrate successes.

More importantly, people must find a balance between staying connected and staying sane and use social media for good, not for bragging. Dexter A. See
