QC Government and law group to explore calorie labels in fast food, restaurants

Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte and ImagineLaw Executive Director Atty. Sophia San Luis ink partnership to explore mechanisms for calorie labeling on menus in food establishments to promote healthy food choices.] (Imagine Law file photo)
QUEZON CITY – The Quezon City Government and public interest law group ImagineLaw on Friday signed an agreement to explore mechanisms for calorie labeling on menus in food establishments to promote healthy food choices among the city’s constituents.
The agreement will develop a new policy that will require restaurants, fast food chains, and other food establishments operating within the city to publish the number of calories per serving of the food items on their menu. The said policy can take the form of an ordinance or an executive order.
“This initiative by the Quezon City Government will help Quezon City residents or QCitizens make informed choices about the food that they eat,” said Atty. San Luis. “We want to empower people to eat nutritious foods even when they are eating out.” # (PR)