PROCOR welcomes the Director of DHRDD

CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – (June 10, 2021) – The men and women of PROCOR rendered a traditional dance as they warmly welcomed the Acting Director of Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development (DHRDD), PBGEN BARTOLOME R BUSTAMANTE as the distinguished Guest of Honor and Speaker on June 9, 2021.
Welcomed by the arrival honors, PBGEN BUSTAMANTE was received by the Deputy Regional Director for Operations, PCOL JOHN CHUA.
Highlight during his visit was the presentation of awards to four (4) deserving PNP personnel composed of one (1) Police Commissioned Officer (PCO) and three (3) Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCO) for their outstanding achievements and performance in the PNP service.
During the awarding, Regional Director, PBGEN RONALD O LEE assisted PBGEN BUSTAMANTE as he awarded the Medalya ng Kasanayan to PMAJ RAMON BALTAZAR ESPIRITU JR and PCpl Kevin Dan Laruan Laoyan of Regional Learning and Doctrine Development Division (RLDDD) for their invaluable services rendered as training committee in the successful conduct of Basic Internal Security Operation Course (BISOC) classes 01 and 02-2021 RPCOR from February 7, 2021, to May 17, 2021, at Dam 2 Philex Mines, Ampucao, Itogon, Benguet.
Likewise, same award was also given to PCMS Rey Tacay Laruan and PSMS Claudio Partitan Fattit of Regional Special Training Unit (RSTU- CORDILLERA) for their invaluable services rendered in the successful conduct of Field Training Program Phase II (OJT/FTX) for the 198 Patrolman/Patrolwoman conducted from August 25, 2020 to February 22, 2021, inclusive at Baguio City Police Office and Benguet Police Provincial Office.
In his message, PBGEN BUSTAMANTE reiterated on the implementation of the CPNP’s Intensified Cleanliness Policy not only in the stations and offices but also in our rank, since the people are waiting for the good things that we are about to do.
Further, the Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development is the training arm of the Philippine National Police and is tasked to help every PNP personnel to pursue a very respectable career. (PROCOR-PIO)