With the collaborative efforts of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Benguet, the repair of the 2nd Platoon Male Barracks of the 1st Benguet Provincial Mobile Force Company (PMFC) was just completed, while a new barracks for the 3rd Platoon Barracks will soon rise.
To mark this success, PROCOR Regional Director, PBGEN DAVID K PEREDO, JR., graced the Blessing and Groundbreaking Ceremony of the said barracks held in Camp Major Dennis Molintas, Brgy. Bangao, Buguias, Benguet, on June 12, 2023.
Present to witness the ceremony were PCOL FREDDIE M LAZONA, the Chief of the Regional Logistics and Research Development Division (RLRDD), and PLTCOL CAROLINA F LACUATA, the Chief of the Regional Public Information Office (RPIO); PCOL DAMIAN D OLSIM, the Provincial Director of Benguet; PLTCOL RUEL D TAGEL, Acting Force Commander of the Regional Mobile Force Battalion 15 (RMFB15); PLTCOL ELPIDIO P PAGOY, the Force Commander of Benguet 1st PMFC; PCPT MARNETS DAWING, the Deputy Company Commander, 143rd SAC 14th SAB PNP-SAF; and JINSP GIBSON P BACAYAN, Jail Warden, Buguias District.
Also present during the ceremony were: Mr. Mario Baucas, Executive Assistant I of Hon. Melchor D. Diclas, the Governor of Benguet Province; Hon. Linda Tagubasi, Punong Barangay of Bangao; Rev. Father Jaime Dominguez, a representative from the religious sector who officiated the blessing; and Mr. Joemar Sacpa, a representative from the media.
Meanwhile, Mr. Baucas delivered the message of Governor Diclas, in which he expressed his gratitude to the PNP and other stakeholders for the realization of this project. He also emphasized that the construction of the building will provide a greater and more conducive environment for the personnel of the Benguet 1st PMFC.
PBGEN PEREDO, JR., also expressed his appreciation to the LGU Benguet and other stakeholders for their effort and continuous support of all the plans and programs of the Philippine National Police.
It can be recalled that the former Chief, PNP, PGEN RODOLFO S AZURIN, JR., approved the budget for the repair and construction of the said barracks. (PROCOR-PIO / File Photos)