PROCOR seizes 84 loose firearms, 622 ammos; 5 grenades in one month operation

Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad Benguet – As a result of the continuous community engagement, PROCOR’s campaign against loose firearms nets a total of 84 loose firearms, 622 assorted ammunition and 5 grenades in the first month of this year’s police operations.
For the month, PROCOR conducted 46 various law enforcement operations including checkpoints, implementation of search warrants and police response, which led to the arrest of 8 persons and the filing of 6 cases in court.
Loose firearms refer to unregistered firearms, those obliterated or altered, lost or stolen, illegally manufactured, firearms registered but in the possession of an individual other than the licensee and those with revoked licenses.
Of the 84 loose firearms accounted, 72 were surrendered to the authorities by different individuals and stakeholders, 10 were confiscated and two were recovered. Also, 83 of which, are categorized as Small Arms while only one was an M14 rifle classified as a Light Weapon.
Leading the list is Abra PPO which recorded 30 loose firearms, followed by Benguet PPO with 20, Ifugao PPO and Apayao with 9 each, Mt. Province with 8, Baguio with 6, and Kalinga with 2 loose firearms.
In addition, 8 illegal gun owners were caught for Violation of the Republic Act No. 10591 or the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation law, namely:
1. Miller Delfin Ambros, 2. Steve Ocampo Lachica, 3. Juanito Fiesta Fernada Jr, 5. Christopher Daquioag, 6. Bernard Bandolin Lozano, 7. Ariel Reyes Albayalde and, 8. Elpidio Rosimo Cañero Jr.
This accomplishment is a result of the community’s support and the intensified conduct of police operations to stop the proliferation of illegal Firearms in the region. (PROCOR RPIO)