PROCOR RD PBGEN DAVID K. PEREDO JR interviewed by PTV Cordillera

PROCOR Regional Director, PBGEN DAVID K PEREDO, JR., introduced his three-fold agenda which is the ” DKP” or the “Disiplina at Dasal, Kakayahan at Kaunlaran, Pagmamal at Pagtupad sa Tungkulin” during his live interview with Mr. Edong Carta held at the PTV Cordillera News studio in Baguio-Bua-Itogon Road, Benguet on the afternoon of April 28, 2023.
Also, during the interview the Regional Director discussed the issues and concerns regarding police operations on anti-illegal drugs, anti-insurgency, anti-criminality, and the preparations & security measures to be implemented for the Cordillera Administrative Region Athletic Association (CARAA) Meet 2023 that will hold in the City starting from April 29 to May 1, 2023.
PBGEN PEREDO JR. was accompanied by PCOL RONALD V GAYO, Deputy Regional Director for Operations (DRDO); PCOL JAMES D MANGILI, Chief of the Regional Operations Division (ROD); and PCPT CLOTHEDEE A PACUYAN, Chief Regional Public Information Office (RPIO). (PROCOR-PIO / File photos)