PROCOR RD PBGEN BAZAR first official visit in Ifugao

LOOK: Immediately after the Monday Flag Raising Ceremony in Camp Major Bado Dangwa, PBGEN MAFELINO ASPERO BAZAR hit the ground running and went to Camp Col. Joaquin P Dulnuan in Lagawe, Ifugao for his first official visit as the new Regional Director of PROCOR.
PBGEN BAZAR was warmly welcomed by the men and women of Ifugao PPO headed by its Provincial Director, PCOL JAMES D MANGILI.
During his talk to the men and women of Ifugao PPO, PBGEN BAZAR reiterated his plans and program to further improve the police services being provided to the community.
“I encourage everyone to continue giving our best service to the people, who are expecting much from us and that we cannot afford to disappoint them,” PBGEN BAZAR said.
“If we can be there in five minutes, the better. We must do our best to respond to calls for police assistance… the fastest that we can, especially if it means saving lives, limbs, and properties.” PBGEN BAZAR added.
Finally, PBGEN BAZAR encouraged the men and women of Ifugao PPO to work together to have a peaceful and progressive community to live and do business. (PROCOR-PIO)