CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET – PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE, PROCOR Regional Director graced the Honors Day of police recruits as the guest of honor and speaker at the Cordillera Administrative Region Training Center (CARTC), Teacher’s Camp, Baguio City on May 26, 2021.
The Honors Day was held in recognition of the deserving graduating recruits of Public Safety Basic Recruit Course (PSBRC) Class 2020-05 SIBAT-TALAS who excelled in both academics and non-academics and have shown leadership skills during their six months training.
Among the awardees were: Pat Kevin L Salinas who ranked first in the entire class; Pat Jim C Osting as Top 2; and Pat Gilbert B Petil as Top 3. They will also receive cash incentive from the PROCOR Regional Director amounting to Php5,000.00 for the Top 1, Php3,000.00 and Php 2,000.00 for the Top 2 and 3, respectively.
In his message, PBGEN LEE congratulated the graduating class and advised them to apply what they have learned in the next phase, the Field Training Program. He emphasized the Intensified Cleanliness Policy of the PNP Chief, GENERAL GUILLERMO ELEAZAR for them to be aware that it is everybody’s concern and responsibility.
Further, PBGEN LEE also thanked the training staff and commended them for molding a new set of police officers.
The graduating class composed of 163 males and 30 females will be graduating on May 28 at the same venue. (PROCOR – RPIO)