PROCOR hosts the PNP review and validation of AOPBE FY 2023 preparation

Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet- To ensure effective and efficient implementation of the target plans and projects of the PNP’s regional offices, Police Regional Office- Cordillera (PROCOR) hosted the Review and Validation of the Annual Operations Plans and Budget Estimate (AOPBE) Preparations for FY 2023 of PRO1, PRO2 and PROCOR at Holiday Inn, Legarda, Baguio City on July 22.
PLTGEN DIONARDO B CARLOS, The Chief of Directorial Staff graced the event as the Guest of Honor and Speaker.
The event was physically attended by all the Regional Directors & Command Group; R-Staff, RMDUs & AOPB focal persons of the participating PROs, while the Provincial Directors & City Directors; selected Chiefs of Police in the capital towns with their respective AOPB focal persons attended virtually via zoom.
Highlights of the event were the presentation of AOPBE for FY 2023 by the Chief Regional Staff from PRO 1, PRO 2, and PROCOR, during their presentation the NHQ OPBC Team headed by PLTGEN CARLOS provided their critiques, inputs, and recommendations.
PMGEN RODOLFO S AZURIN JR, the Director for Comptrollership, in his statement, emphasized the importance of cascading the processes and tools of AOPB which includes scrutinized preparation to ensure its institutionalization and mainstreaming to lower units to realize and appreciate its purpose. He encouraged all offices to make sure that all plans, programs activities, targets and proposed budgets are aligned.
Also, PLTGEN DIONARDO B CARLOS, in his message congratulated PROCOR for hosting the event and the PNP NHQ OPBC Team for facilitating the AOPB preparations of participating PROs. He vehemently stressed the significance of meticulous planning, programming, and preparing budget proposals and their proper utilization so as to compliment the requirements of AOPB. (PROCOR-PIO)