Operation Tuli ATBP’ yields success

Greenwater, Baguio City — On Thursday, June 30, 2022, around 194 boys were successfully circumcised marking their transition to manhood in John Hay Management Corporation’s (JHMC) corporate social responsibility (CSR) project dubbed as ‘Operation Tuli ATBP’.
Said undertaking was a joint collaboration between and among JHMC, Baguio City Health Services Office, St. Louis University Hospital of the Sacred Heart, Medical Outreach Missions Foundation (MOMFi), Scout Barrio District Health Center and Engineer’s Hill District Health Center respectively.
Aside from the free circumcision, which was performed by medical practitioners from the above-stated health organizations, the operation also facilitated COVID-19 vaccination and booster shots for senior citizens by the City Health Services Office, of which 23 individuals availed of the said service.
Primarily, the activity helped ease the increased number of uncircumcised adolescents in the city. This can be attributed to the pandemic, during which lockdowns and restrictions were implemented, limiting access to the said service and other medical services.
Aftercare medications were also provided to all those who underwent circumcision, like Vitamin C and pain relievers.
This CSR project paved way for the reinforcement of JHMC’s relationship to its stakeholders and its constituents in the JHRA. END