Oathtaking of PROCOR’s newly appointed and promoted Non-Uniformed Personnel

02 August – PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE, PROCOR Regional Director, administered the oathtaking of the newly appointed and promoted Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) during the Monday Flag Raising Ceremony held at PROCOR Multi-Purpose Center, Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on August 2, 2021.
PLTCOL FRANCISCO B BULWAYAN JR, Acting Chief of the Regional Personnel Records and Management Division (RPRMD), read the appointment orders of 15 newly appointed NUP and promotion orders of the ten promoted NUP of PROCOR.
In his message, PBGEN LEE, expressed the PNP’s recognition for the vital role of NUPs in the effective implementation of its programs and regard them as partners in accomplishing the goals and objectives of the PNP organization. He encouraged them to continue working with the uniformed personnel as one PROCOR team in delivering the best quality of services to the Cordillerans.
He further congratulated them and hoped that they will also adhere to the Intensified Cleanliness Policy (ICP) of the PNP, especially in the cleanliness of offices. (PROCOR-PIO)