Non-essential travels to Baguio City were temporarily suspended

Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong Photo by: REDJIE MELVIC CAWIS
BAGUIO CITY (PIA)–Mayor Benjamin Magalong has ordered the implementation of temporary suspension of non-essential travels to the city due to the threat of the COVID-19 Delta variant.
In Advisory No. 07-2021 issued by Mayor Magalong on Friday (July 30), non-essential travel to Baguio City is temporarily suspended for seven days starting on July 31 until August 6, 2021 and subject to a possible extension in case transmission is not contained in the higher risk local government units.
“All non-essential travels to Baguio City shall have to be temporarily suspended while our city response units and partners in the private sector can implement those protection measures that we have planned against the Delta Variant, and all other possible variants that may emerge from it,” Magalong stated in the advisory.
Baguio City will not allow non-authorized persons outside residence (APORs) to travel to the city regardless of the place of origin It will only allow those with indispensable purposes.
The Department of the Interior and Local Government issued an advisory dated July 23, 2021, stating that the Delta variant is now treated as a variant of concern due to its transmissibility. All local government units have been directed to incorporate appropriate contingency plans into their respective Prevent – Detect – Isolate – Treat – Reintegrate or PDITR strategies for COVID-19 due to the emergence of the new COVID-19 Delta variant in the country.
To further emphasize the grave possibility of another surge of the COVID-19 cases, the IATF-EID has increased community quarantine restrictions in the NCR and other areas identified as high risk. Baguio City shall remain in GCQ, but as early as now the city government has taken the initiative to enhance the COVID-19 management strategy to pre-empt, if not minimize, this new health threat to the community.
“Our response is in place – we have been busy maximizing our city’s health care capacity, and ensuring the availability of medical supplies and COVID-19 treatment medicine, as a parallel action to ongoing vaccination operations for our constituents. In order to push forward in this track, our Task Force has recommended a series of immediate actions, one being the need to control mobility to and from this city,” the chief executive said.
The mayor also appealed to the residents of the city to limit travel and at the same time continue to strictly observe all the health standards.
“To my fellow Baguio residents, let us also limit our travels in and out of the city. Should there be instances where travel outside is absolutely necessary, let us always practice minimum public health protocols at all times, in consideration of our family members and loved ones waiting for us at home,” said Magalong.
“I appeal for patience and cooperation from the public for this sudden change in policy as this is the appropriate action that is necessary for the situation at hand,” he added. (JDP/RMC PIA-CAR)