New Batch of Scholars Receive Transformative Opportunities from Aboitiz Foundation

New Batch of Scholars Receive Transformative Opportunities from Aboitiz Foundation

(Top Photo) Aboitiz Foundation Chief Operating Officer Mardi Mapa-Suplido welcomes the newest Aboitiz Scholars with a hopeful remark, affirming the group’s belief in the pivotal role that they will play in changing today, and shaping the future. (Below Photo) CHANGE DRIVERS. The newest batch of the 2023 Aboitiz College Scholarship Program (ACSP), together with their Parents and Guardians, attended the Memorandum of Agreement signing, led by (seated: from left to right) Aboitiz Foundation President Ginggay Hontiveros-Malvar and Chief Operating Officer Mardi Mapa-Suplido. (Aboitiz Group File Photo)

As the Aboitiz Group continues to contribute to enhancing access to quality education in the country, Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (Aboitiz Foundation), welcomed its newest batch of scholar beneficiaries under the Aboitiz College Scholarship Program (ACSP), envisioning them to become future leaders as they set out on this journey that will change today and shape the future for all.

At a memorandum of agreement (MOA) signing held on January 15, Aboitiz Foundation President Ginggay Hontiveros-Malvar and Chief Operating Officer Mardi Mapa-Suplido signed the MOAs together with the newest batch of Aboitiz scholars and their parents, underscoring the group’s dedication to fostering the students’ development and empowering them to become transformative forces in society.

The scholarship program aims to provide educational opportunities to deserving students by providing financial assistance and supporting their overall growth and development through learning sessions and internships.

“With immense pride and enduring hope, we welcome this new generation of future leaders – their promise and potential assures me our greatest, most purposeful chapters lie ahead,” Aboitiz Foundation President Ginggay Hontiveros-Malvar said.

This year’s batch of 10 scholars brings the total program beneficiaries to over 180 students. Scholars receive comprehensive support – from yearly tuition fees, monthly allowance, academic excellence incentives, and board review fees of qualified scholars.

Heleina Marei Ong, an Industrial Engineering beneficiary, shared how the scholarship has impacted her journey. “It is a journey where I hold in high regard the significance of the scholarship bestowed upon me by the Aboitiz Foundation, recognizing it not just as a financial support but as a catalyst for transformation and achievement,” she said.

The Aboitiz Group Scholarship Program establishes a significant standard for private sector efforts that promote fair access to education, ethical leadership, and sustainable development of human resources. The ACSP aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 by promoting accessible and fair quality education while advocating for continuous learning opportunities for everyone. ### (PR)

About Aboitiz Foundation

The Aboitiz Foundation is the corporate foundation of the Aboitiz Group that was established in 1988. Its purpose is to drive change for a better world by advancing business and communities through programs on education, enterprise development, and the environment. Since its inception in 1988, the Foundation’s CSR interventions have evolved from one-time donations to carefully designed programs that empower its beneficiaries to pursue their aspirations.

Today, through the Aboitiz Business Units, the Aboitiz Foundation develops and implements corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs or CSR 2.0 projects that aim to co-create safe, empowered, and sustainable communities. These CSR 2.0 projects are aligned with the Group’s core competencies, are scalable nationwide, and create a deeper social impact on the communities and beneficiaries they serve.