National Literature Month Colloquium and Book Nook Marinduque Activity by Rachel Real and Nicole Jarabe, MSC Interns

Last April, we celebrated April Literature Month, and it wasn’t just us who made an effort to facilitate events dedicated to celebrating the joy of reading. The Book Nook Interns, Ms. Rachel Ann Arriesgado and Ms. Tricia Lauresta facilitated an event at the Book Nook Marinduque in MSC Extramural Study Center. The prayer was led by Mr. Angelo Solo, followed by opening remarks of Mr. Gerald M. Pajanustan.
At this event, they had Ms. Jimely-Jane Estoya as a guest speaker. Let’s not forget that they had a video presentation of the Litera Club Catalogue. The event proceeded with an activity which was bookmark coloring and book fair puzzles.
After that, they had a photo session with the participants of the students of Capayang Elementary School. Lastly, the event ended with a closing remark from our very own supervisor, the very supporting and dedicated professor, Dr. Randy T. Nobleza. Thank you for your best effort, guys, and congrats for a successful event.
April Literature Month is so fruitful. We facilitated events, and then we had our very own colloquium, hosted by none other than Sir Jayven Nares, and of course, facilitated by our very own College of Arts and Social Sciences interns. This is possible through the support and effort of our very own dean, Dr. Ernesto L. Largado.
And of course, partner, let’s not forget that we were there and had taken part to that successful colloquium. So it’s congrats to us. And before we recap of what had happened at the virtual colloquium, let us first take a short break.
From the Dean of CASS, Dr. Ernesto Largado, to all important people that are present in the colloquium, to the program heads of BA Communication, BA English Language Studies, and BS Social Work, Sir Jerome L. Lingon, Ma’am Jolly Rose A. Lancion, and Ma’am Rosalinda E. Punzalan respectively. Then Prof. Dr. Diosdado P. Zulueta, the President of Marinduque State College was represented by Sir Raul J. Magcamit, the Vice President for the Students’ Academic Affairs. To our special guest speaker, Dr. Arthur Casanova, the chairperson of Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino. To Dr. Randy Nobleza, the Ambassador of Island Innovation.
And our very own Dean, Dr. Ernesto Largado. To Ms. Marjorie Mabolo, for announcing the judges for the virtual colloquium. To our judges, Ma’am Sheryl Podra, Ma’am Jean Grace Solina-Nazareno, Dr. Alexander M. Pascua, and Dr. Jovito L. Opeña.
To Ms. Marlene Fatalla, for reading and explaining the criteria for judging. And lastly, to our host, Sir Jayven Nares, one of the faculty members of the Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies. And to Ma’am Aubrey Jan Matibag, the Co-Director of SWK.
To Ms. Maria Liza Palomares and Angela M. Recto, for their thesis, The Way of Life of the Filipino Centenarians in Marinduque, Their Benefits and Privileges of Qualitative Research. To Ms. Erica M. Salvacion and Irish Gayle Manuba, for their thesis, Lived Experiences of Teenage Mother, focusing on their transition to motherhood. To Ms. Jeanette R. Mendoza and Ms. Nicole Sabit, for their thesis, Level of Satisfaction of Registered Solo Parent under Provision under RA11861 in Boac, Marinduque.
To Ms. Arnella R. Laririt, for her thesis, Truth and Tales, The Living Stories Behind Gintong Baka and Gintong Barko. To Mr. John Cameron M. Sager, for his thesis, Awareness on Information, Education, and Communication contained in Solid Waste Management of the Municipality of Mogpog. To Ms. Regine M. Rioflorido, for her thesis, Grueling Thesis, Writing Experience Encountered by Undergraduate Students at Marinduque State College.
To Ms. Leni F. Nite, for her thesis, Analysis of English Language Speaking Skills of Tour Guides in Boac, Marinduque. To Ms. Jane Ann G. Mayores, for her thesis, Status of Marinduque Tagalog, Standard Filipino in Visayan Language, Preservation of Visayan Language in Sitio Basyao, Mogpog, Marinduque. And lastly, to Mr. Jake Lawrence S. Mejico, for his thesis, Perception of the Grade 12 Technical Vocational in Bognuyan National High School Student in the English Language Speaking Anxiety.
Our colloquium started at 8 in the morning and was conducted virtually. It started with an audiovisual presentation of the prayer, followed by an audiovisual presentation of the national anthem. For the opening remarks, we have Sir Raul Magcamit, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Diosdado P. Zulueta, the President of MSC.
This was followed by the message from Dr. Arthur Casanova, Dr. Ernesto Largado, and Dr. Randy Nobleza, and was followed by the introduction of the judges by Ms. Marjorie Mabolo, and the readings of the criteria for judging. The first presentation was from the Social Work, followed by the BA COMM, and lastly, the BA ELS. After their presentation, there was an announcement of the winners.
For our fourth place, we have John Cameron Sager, from BA COMM, followed by our third place, Ms. Jane Ann Mayores, from BA ELS, and the second place, shared by Ms. Jeanette Mendoza and Nicole Sabit, from BS Social Work, and finally, the first place, our winner, Ms. Leni F. Nite, from BAALS. The event is so successful, so kudos to the SWK interns and the CAS interns, to the Dean of CAS, the program heads from BA COMM, BA ELS, and BS Social Work, and especially to our guest speakers, the judges, and the presenters, as well as the students present at the virtual collection. Thank you guys so much. (PR)