Mr. and Ms. Country Fair 2022

Mr. and Ms. Country Fair 2022

Cliff Einstein Remolar and Abilaine Mayos were hailed as Mr. and Ms. Country Fair 2022 last 2 October 2022 at Session Road, Baguio City. The event was participated by 25 candidates showcasing their cowboy and cowgirl wild west persona.

The finalists are:

2nd place: Clark Chumacog

and Annabhel T. Robino

3rd place: Kyle Jon Tultog and

Dhennery Gel Merdegia

The candidates with special awards are:

Cowboy Best in Smile: Czar Anthony Bales

Cowgirl Best in Smile: Dhennery Gel Merdegia

Friendly Cowboy: Cliff Einstein Remolar

Friendly Cowgirl: Abilaine Mayos

Darling Cowboy:  Wilnard Laguna

Darling Cowgirl: Lheewel Tokia

Fresh Face Cowboy of Essenza Salon: Cliff Einstein Remolar

Fresh Face Cowgirl of Essenza Salon: Dhennery Gel Merdegia

Cowboy Body Beautiful of Murphy’s Fitness Gym: Cliff Einstein Remolar

Cowgirl Body Beautiful of Murphy’s Fitness Gym: Abilaine Mayos

Cowboygenic by Phototech Studio: Cliff Einstein Remolar

Cowgirlgenic by Phototech Studio: Annabhel T. Robino

BerryBenj Cowboy: Cliff Einstein Remolar

BerryBenj Cowgirl: Dhennery Gel Merdegia

Cowboy MYLK Tea: Jerome Gaudia

Cowgirl MYLK Tea: Ingrid Bugtong

Don Henericos Pizza Cowboy: JP Jamisola

Don Henericos Pizza Cowgirl: Dhennery Gel Merdegia

Michivan Aesthetic Cowboy: Cliff Einstein Remolar

Michivan Aesthetic Cowgirl: Annabhel T. Robino

The event was in line with this year’s 2nd Baguio Country Fair organized by Porta Vaga Mall under the Diocese of Baguio. – Graziella Kate Estrera (PIO Intern)
