MarSU Litera meets aspiring authors, creatives and changemakers

Boac, Marinduque – The Marinduque State University (MarSU) Litera formerly Marinduque State College Litera Club have met recently with prospective members and interim officers from the College of Education with College of Arts and Sciences at the CoEd audio-visual room, August 21 from 4:30pm onwards.
MarSU Litera president Gerard Angelo Diana of the Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education (BCAEd) convened some 20 member-applicants and officers. They have discussed rebranding of the said student organization, recent accomplishments and initial plans for this semester.
MarSU Litera is going to have an interface with the MSCians, Office of Media and International Affairs, MarSU Information Unit and Research department. So far, MarSU Litera have published several literary folios such as Balangaw and maLIKHAin both in 2018 and “Likhai: ire mandin ay sining ng Marinduque” by 2023. They have some pending proposal for Island Studies and Creative Hub, intending to transition to different platforms like video, music and social media.
MarSU Litera attended the Atimonan Book Fair featuring “MarinduQuezon” based on the thesis of BCAEd students, the CASS Communication Society, Language Enthusiasts Society and Social Work Society general assembly. They also participated in the National Museum – Marinduque Area writeshop last August 19 showcasing poetry readings from “Tatlumpo’t isang Bagay na bagay sa ‘yo.”
MarSU Litera started out as School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) Litera Club in 2013 by AB English students and was recognized as bona fide student organization by 2018 under auspices of the School of Liberal Arts. The current roster of active members of MarSU Litera come from BA English Language Studies and BA Communication. They have a board of advisers, Dr. Randy Nobleza with Dr. Ernesto Largado, Asst. Prof. Ruby Ann Lantita and Mam Aubrey Jen Matibag. (PR)