Marijuana plantation raid yields P95.4-M worth of marijuana

CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – (August 7, 2021) – Acting on the instructions of the Regional Director to further intensify the conduct of Marijuana Eradication in the region, police operatives discovered eight sacks of dried marijuana leaves and 225,000 pieces of Fully Grown Marijuana Plants (FJMP) with a total worth of P95.4 million in seven separate plantation sites in Brgy. Loccong, Tinglayan, Kalinga from August 4 and 5, 2021.
According to reports submitted to the Regional Director, PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE, disclosed that the discovery and destruction of the plantation sites were jointly conducted by operating units of PNP DEG SOU CAR together with PDEA CAR, Kalinga PPO, RMFB15, RIU 14, and RID/RSOG PROCOR.
During the two-day operations, operatives discovered 225,000 pcs of FGMJP worth Php 45,000,000.00 being cultivated in six different plantation sites with 22,500 sqm land area.
Same reports revealed that, while scouring adjacent areas for other possible plantation sites, operatives found the said sacks of marijuana dried leaves, which are ready for transport hidden in a Nipa hut near the plantation sites raided.
All the prohibited plants were burned on-site, while an intensive investigation is being conducted to identify possible cultivators. (PROCOR-PIO)