Magalong gives owners of big structures built on titled lots until June 30 to apply for building permits

Owners of existing unpermitted large structures particularly those with three or more stories built on titled lots were given until June 30, 2023 to apply for building permits.
Mayor Benjamin Magalong said this is in line with the city government’s thrust to help building owners legalize their houses, buildings or other structures pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1096 or the National Building Code of the Philippines.
They may process their application with the City Buildings and Architecture Office (CBAO), call tel. no. 442-2503 or register their names in the link:
Aside from the large buildings, the city is also targeting other unpermitted structures standing on titled lots.
CBAO Asst. Dept. Head Engr. Stephen Capuyan said they have identified 427 structure owners in barangays DPS Compound, Cabinet Hill, Marcoville, Engineer’s Hill and Camp 8 who are qualified to apply for building permit as they are lot title holders but are without permits.
The building owners had been given letters encouraging them to apply for building permits within 15 days.
If after 15 days they failed to signify their intention, they will be given a 15-day extension through a follow-up letter.
If they still fail to secure the permit despite the extension then the city will be forced to issue a notice of violation and commence the proceedings as per the building code.
The city earlier conducted an inventory of existing permitted and unpermitted structures in all barangays and has so far covered a total of 120,000 structures in the different barangays.
Of those inventoried, 80 percent or 96,000 structures were found to have no building permits. – Aileen P. Refuerzo