LOOK: Regional Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (RLECC) members have convened for their 2nd Quarter 2022 meeting thru the online conferencing platform on June 28, 2022.

In PROCOR, PCOL BENJAMIN DL SEMBRANO, the Deputy Regional Director for Operations (DRDO) spearheaded the meeting at the PROCOR Conference Room, Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Present with the DRDO were PCOL CHRISTOPHER T ACOP, Chief of Regional Investigation and Detection Management Division (RIDMD); PCOL SIBLY DAWIGUEY, Chief of Regional Operations Division (ROD); PCOL BYRON TEGUI-IN, Chief of Regional Community Affairs and Development Division (RCADD); and PCOL NERINO B DACIEGO, Chief of Regional Forensic Unit-Cordillera (RFU-COR).
Other members present via video teleconferencing were the representatives from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD); Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA); Department of Health (DOH); National Bureau of Investigation (NBI); Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG); and Regional Anti-Cybercrime Unit (RACU).
Presented during the RLECC meeting were the updates on Peace and Order; Rape Cases; Drug situations; and the Covid-19 situation in the Cordillera region.
Updates on online investment scam cases & online cases being investigated and cybercrime cases were also discussed. (PROCOR-PIO)