Local Climate Change Action Plan approved

Local Climate Change Action Plan approved

City officials approved the 2021-2030 Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP) of the city as part of the ongoing efforts to enhance the local government’s programs on climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Under Resolution No. 578, series of 2021, local legislators stated that having a LCCAP allows and helps the local government effectively and efficiently address several important urban problems and issues related to water and power supply, food security, management of solid and liquid waste, urban mobility, housing, parks and open spaces, health and sanitation, and disaster risks.

Further, the plan also offers long-term protection to the city considering that the plan sets the pathway forward, thus, making the city more prepared, adoptable and resilient to external shocks, stresses and future threats. 

The National Framework Strategy on Climate Change and the National Climate Change Action Plan underscore the integration of adaptation and mitigation measures into all existing national and local plans and strategies.

The LCCAP is a planning document prepared by the local government unit with substantial content on policies, programs, strategies and initiatives to increase the community’s resilient and adaptation actions to the impacts of climate change and reduce the greenhouse gas emission that serves as mitigation actions.

Section 14 of Republic Act (RA) No. 9729 otherwise known as the Climate Change Act of 2009 provides for the role and participation of local government units and barangays in the formulation and implementation of local climate change action plans. 

Under the said law, local governments shall be the frontline agencies in the formulation, planning and implementation of climate change action plans in their respective areas, consistent with the provisions of the Local government code, the framework and the National Climate Change Action Plan. 

Moreover, barangays shall be directly involved with municipal and city governments in prioritizing climate change issues and in identifying the implementing best practices and other solutions.

On the other hand, municipal and city governments shall consider climate change adaptation as one of their regular functions while provincial governments shall provide technical assistance, enforcement and in information management and in support of municipal and city climate change action plans. 

Inter-local government unit collaboration shall be maximized in the conduct of climate-related activities. 

Local governments shall regularly update their respective action plans to reflect changing social, economic, and environmental conditions and emerging issues. The local governments shall furnish the National Climate Change Commission with copies of their action plans and all subsequent amendments, modifications and revisions thereof within one month from their adoption. The local governments shall mobilize and allocate necessary personnel, resources and logistics to effectively implement their plans. – Dexter A. See
