Library services to be extended in city barangays

Library services to be extended in city barangays

City officials strongly encouraged the Baguio City Public Library to extend library services to all the city’s one hundred twenty-eight barangays and provide tutoring services for grade school and high school students for reading comprehension improvement and tapping volunteer students to be tutors.

Under Resolution No. 550, series of 2022, local legislators stated that volunteer students who are willing to become tutors to pupils and students who are willing to improve their reading comprehension, or those who want to understand more their subjects, can be tapped.

Further, their respective schools and universities should be encouraged to give the volunteer student tutors academic incentives such as, but not limited to, additional points to improve their grades, additional points to help them pass their missed requirements, or to compensate for their tardiness or absences.

During the Scout Officials for A Day (SOFAD) regular session held on November 7, 2022, the SOFAD Council adopted the proposal of SOFAD Councilor Jenky A. Bagayong which strongly encouraged all barangays to provide their respective barangay libraries or reading corners to accommodate tutoring services for grade school to high school students with low reading comprehension and tapping volunteer students to be tutors in exchange for academic incentives.

The council admitted that there are innumerable pupils, students, out-of-school youth (OSY) and other youngsters who are very much willing to learn and improve their reading comprehension skills, or other academic pursuits but do not have the nearby facilities to accommodate them.

Ordinance No. 16, series of 2021, which modernized and expanded the services of the Baguio City Public Library and allocating funds for the said purpose was further reinforced by Executive Order No. 137, series of 2021, which bears the same title and are already in full force and effect.

In order to extend further attainment of the provisions of this legislation and executive order, the council stipulated that more students and learners would benefit if the services of the Baguio City Public Library could be extended to the barangays, thus, would help improve and promote efficient and effective education system in the city.

According to the council, providing reading corners or libraries in the barangays would best serve the purposes of the said legislations and may also be utilized as a space for tutoring services for youth and students who want to improve their reading comprehension skills. – Dexter A. See
