Land use plan updating on

The city government through the City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) is pursuing the updating of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) which charts the city’s physical and economic development for the next ten years and the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) which serves as the implementing instrument of the CLUP.
The CPDO under Arch. Donna Tabangin facilitated a three-day Characterization and Analysis Seminar-Workshop participated in by members of the multi-sectoral technical working groups of the city planning team to come up with technical assessment and analysis of the different sectors namely the social, economic, physical, infrastructure, green growth urbanism, climate change adaptation and institutional sectors.
Mayor Benjamin Magalong said the assessment and analysis will help identify challenges, potentials and future development needs of the city which are crucial to the updating of the CLUP.
Each sectoral technical working group is composed of members with technical insight and expertise for their respective fields and their outputs are vital in identifying the information.
As per the work plan for the CLUP and CDP updating, the city has completed the mobilization phase and is now on the characterization and analysis aspect.
This phase involves the data collection, review and validation, maps and graphics preparation, inter and intra-area analysis of data on population, settlements and social services, area economy, infrastructure, land use and environment and institutional capability.
The succeeding workshop will focus cross-sectoral integration to generate a summary of the local government unit’s potentials and problems.
This phase also includes the conduct of the first public consultation on the outputs.
By September, the city is expected to conduct the comprehensive land use planning proper which covers the following activities: vision setting, goal formulation, alternative strategies generation and evaluation of alternative spatial strategies and the conduct of the second public consultation.
They will move on to detailing the preferred spatial strategy, preparation of the CLUP and the drafting of the zoning ordinance before conducting the third public consultation where the CLUP and the zoning ordinance will be presented to the public.
In October, the focus will be the drafting of the medium-term Comprehensive Development Plan and Local Development Investment Plan composed of the development plans on the social, economic, environmental management, infrastructure and physical and institutional sectors and the local government investment programming and implementation instruments. These will again be presented to the public in another public consultation.
By the end of October until November, the CPDO expects to have finalized the CLUP, zoning ordinance, CDP and LDIP and by December, these plans should be adopted and approved at the levels of the city council and the Regional Land Use Committee for Review. – Aileen P. Refuerzo