Global Membership Team (GMT) –Global leader in Humanitarian and Community Service– Rissa McInnesΒ GMT Coordinator said an appreciation to Ku-ring-gai Lions Club for inviting us to a dinner meeting and for giving us the opportunity to present about building membership to help strengthen your club.
We look forward to working with you on your upcoming project and good to see the Club welcoming the changes they were so happy and grateful we shared all our GMT material resources to help them progress to the next level and make their presence felt in the Ku-ring-gai community.
Good to see this club growing and GMT Team will be there to give a helping hand as the club grows from strength to strength said GMT Coordinator Rissa McInnes, Well done President Jude and the rest of the members with Assistant GMT David Brown, VDG Paul McInnes doing club visits on behalf of DG Vin Pang JP together with GMT Coordinator Rissa McInnes.
The Global Membership Team (GMT) supports membership development by recruiting new members and promoting positive membership experiences held on October 25, 2022, PO Box 323, St. Ives NSW 2075 Australia.Β — via Carlos C. Meneses