Internal Cleansing Program for “PNP Drug-Free Workplace” in Mt. Province Police Provincial Office

A total of 140 police officers of the Mountain Province Police Provincial Office (MPPPO) voluntarily underwent drug testing at Camp Geronimo F Montes, in Bontoc, Mountain Province, that was held on October 3–4, 2023.
The said drug testing activity was initiated by the Provincial Forensic Unit of MPPPO, wherein all 140 police officers tested negative for Methamphetamine hydrochloride and Marijuana.
The regular random drug test is being administered to PNP personnel as part of the Internal Cleansing Program of the Philippine National Police and in support of a Drug-Free workplace under PNPMC 2020-028 entitled “PNP Drug-Free Workplace” and PNPMC 2020-020 entitled “PNP Disciplinary Machinery”. (PRO CORDILLERA-PIO / File Photos)