ImagineLaw receives second Prince Michael International Road Safety Award for supporting cities to protect children, vulnerable road users on roads

ImagineLaw receives second Prince Michael International Road Safety Award for supporting cities to protect children, vulnerable road users on roads

His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent once again awarded ImagineLaw, a non-profit, public interest law group based in Manila, Philippines, with the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Award (PMIRSA) for the organization’s work in advancing child road safety in the Philippines.

For over 30 years, the Award has been given to groups and individuals with outstanding achievements and innovations that improve road safety around the world. ImagineLaw received its first award three years ago for its work on improving speed limit setting and enforcement in the Philippines.

This year, ImagineLaw received its second PMIRSA in recognition of its advocacy efforts that led to the enactment of comprehensive local road safety policies in the Philippines. With support from the United Nations Children’s Fund, ImagineLaw assisted Angeles City and Valenzuela City in developing and enacting local road safety laws that introduce best practice road safety interventions to be implemented through multi-sectoral coalitions composed of national and local government agencies, civil society, private sector, and the academe.

With the enactment of these policies, efforts are now ongoing to make roads safer for children and other vulnerable road users. The two cities have developed their road safety action plans and conducted road safety assessments around schools to identify engineering and other interventions needed to protect school-going children.

“We are extremely honored to receive this award for the second time. This award is a reminder of the importance of collaboration across all sectors to protect the most vulnerable road users. We hope that in the coming years, more local governments will follow the example of the Cities of Angeles and Valenzuela,” said ImagineLaw’s Executive Director Sophia San Luis. ### (PR)