Ifugao BARANGAYanihan showcases the innate Bayanihan spirit of the Ifugao people

Aimed to reach the most vulnerable sectors in the community and those who are most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Ifugao Police has initiated various BARANGAYanihan efforts in line with the “badjang” or “baddang” concept of Ifugao.
Since last year, Ifugao cops helped more than 1,600 families with their “Adopt a Family” program by providing indigent families with food and grocery packs, amounting to a total of P1.34 M.
As the pandemic continues, Ifugao cops also reached out with the elderlies, dubbed as “Adopt a Grandparent” program, they visited and provided grocery items, medicines and other essential commodities to their chosen beneficiaries. From their personal pockets, police have contributed to purchase essential items for lolos and lolas who live alone or living in the remotest parts of the province.
Also, with the implementation of travel restrictions, the different police stations offered “libreng sakay”, which benefitted almost 8,000 residents, by ferrying workers and those who go out to purchase their essential needs particularly during the Enhanced Community Quarantine last year.
BARANGAYanihan, the collective term for the various efforts of the PNP to help people rise from the impacts of the pandemic, continues to stir in people the innate spirit of bayanihan.
Aside from the government programs being implemented, “Libreng Gupit”, free masks distribution, clean-up drives, tree-planting activities and the barangayanihan established by the Municipal Police Stations, are just a few of the efforts taken by the PNP to bring the much-needed assistance, in partnership with the different sectors in the community. (PROCOR RPIO)