Hedcor rolls out learning assessment tools in Benguet

SUPPORTING DISTANCE LEARNING. Hedcor remains committed to advance communities through education by supporting distance learning at the onset of the academic year. File Photo Hedcor
Hedcor has rolled out assessment tests in three municipalities in Benguet to determine whether grade school students are learning through distance education amidst COVID-19 pandemic.
This initiative is in partnership with Synergeia Foundation and will be administered to Grades 2 to 6 in Sablan, Itogon and Tuba. The outcome of the tests which cover English, Filipino and Mathematics would help educators and local governments assess their competency levels and implement remedies if necessary, to improve them.
Synergeia Foundation, in collaboration with the local government units (LGU), pushed for the creation of an assessment tool to determine whether remote education is working as the COVID-19 pandemic closed schools and forced children to learn from their homes.
“The results of these assessments would give us an insight on the effectiveness of current remote education methodologies, and identify which communities would need support in strengthening distance education,” says Noreen Vicencio, Hedcor’s Vice President for Corporate Services.
She furthered that through the assessments, the partner LGU together with DepEd can recalibrate strategies to ensure that the needed skills in English, Filipino and Mathematics are achieved per grade level.
Moreso, Synergeia President and CEO Milwida Guevara says, “We’re doing this to determine the learning competencies that the students have developed, and identify those which they are weak in. It is important to assess and measure the learning outcomes achieved by the children .”
The learning tests were put together with the help of experts from the Philippine Normal University and focused on the most essential learning competencies prescribed by DepEd.
Hedcor’s dedication in providing sufficient and comfortable learning venues has strengthened this pandemic — making it the community’s partner to quality education and children’s well-being. At the start of the school year, Hedcor provided P500,000 worth of school supplies to the different host schools in Benguet for the printing of modules. ###