Hedcor remains internationally certified amid pandemic restrictions

Hedcor, being in the hydropower business for 43 years, continues to meet global standards. This is a firm display of Hedcor’s commitment to work towards excellence and resilience-building especially in times of uncertainty. Hedcor File photo
Hedcor, the run-of-river hydropower arm of AboitizPower, continues to meet international standards following the recommendation of British Standards Group Philippines (BSi) for ISO re-certification this year.
Despite lockdowns and restrictions, Hedcor upholds global standards in generating clean and renewable energy efficiently and of the utmost quality.
Hedcor is recertified for six ISO certifications: Quality Management System, Environmental Management System, Occupational Health and Safety Management System, Information Security Management System, Asset Management System, and Business Continuity System.
Said ISO re-certifications are awarded to Hedcor Inc., Hedcor Sabangan, Luzon Hydro, Hedcor Sibulan, and Hedcor Tudaya.
For this year, Hedcor Bukidnon became ISO certified on the first four.
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certification ensures quality management systems that achieve customer satisfaction. With this, Hedcor’s efficient practices in meeting the requirements and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties is fully commended.
Moreso, Hedcor takes ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System certification in a more serious note. Hedcor recognizes that to generate clean and renewable energy, watersheds have to be protected. Hedcor ensures that its operations mitigates adverse environmental impacts.
After successfully upgrading from the OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018 last year, Hedcor is once again Occupational Health and Safety Management System certified. This entails that Hedcor provides safe and healthy workplaces in its 22 hydropower plants and its offices in Luzon and Mindanao.
BSi has also recommended continued certifications for ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System and ISO 55001:2014 Asset Management System. Both are with zero non-conformity. These certifications ensure the security of the organization’s assets with the former focusing on information assets.
Adding to its array of global certifications, Hedcor has successfully migrated its Business Continuity Management System from ISO 22301:2012 to ISO 22301:2019. This upgrade will ensure that Hedcor remains ready from a wide range of potential threats and disruptions.
With BSi’s innovative auditing process via digital channels to abide by the quarantine protocols, auditing processes are done in a single wave. ###