Health department warns of El Niño diseases

Health department warns of El Niño diseases

The Department of Health Cordillera Administrative Region (DOH-CAR) warns local government units and health service providers to be ready in implementing their mitigation measures on the anticipated health impacts of El Niño.

The DOH-CAR anticipates outbreaks on dengue and food borne diseases as well as bacterial outbreaks such as dermatitis, diarrhea and other gastroenteric problems due to lack of safe and ample water supply.

Heat stress and heat stroke, dehydration and other respiratory diseases may also reach outbreak levels during the El Niño phenomenon according to Rock Tubaña, Health Program Researcher of the DOH-CAR.

The agency likewise anticipates interruption of services among health facilities with intermittent water supply and an increase in health consultations due to El Niño.

“We encourage our LGUs and health service providers to monitor any untoward health impact of El Niño and comply with the weekly reporting to DOH including water supply status to health facilities,” he said.

Tubaña also encouraged LGUs and health service providers to update and activate their Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP) if needed.

To combat the health impacts of El Niño, the health department reiterates continuation of hygiene practices such as washing of hands, cleaning possible breeding sites of mosquitoes, boiling drinking water to kill bacteria if sources have been contaminated, thoroughly washing goods before cooking to avoid food-borne diseases and staying hydrated among others.

Refraining from rigorous exercise under the heat of the sun and avoiding too much sun exposure to avoid dehydration is also advised.

The weather bureau declared El Niño phenomenon will persist in the country up to the first half of 2024 due to unusual warming of sea surface temperature along the equatorial Pacific increasing the likelihood of below-normal rainfall conditions and dry spell. – JMPS
