Green building ordinance proposed anew

The City Council, during last Monday’s regular session, approved on first reading a proposed ordinance establishing the green building measure in the city.
Under the proposed ordinance, the measure is enacted pursuant to the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) 7160 or the Local Government Code that mandates local government units to ensure and support, among other things, the preservation and enrichment of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of people to a balanced ecology and preserve the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants.
Further, it also aims to improve the stability and efficiency of buildings and the use of natural resources, contributing to the global efforts in reducing greenhouse gasses emission and minimizing the impact of buildings on health and environment through green building programs which is the practice of adopting sustainable features and measures in the design, construction and operation of buildings.
The ordinance shall apply to all buildings in the city such as old and new buildings.
However, heritage or cultural buildings and post-disaster shelters and structures shall be exempted from the coverage of the proposed measure.
The Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence (BERDE) Rating Certification System of the Philippine Green Building Council recognized by the Department of Energy shall be adopted as a component of the proposed ordinance.
Moreover, all government and private buildings can get a one-star BERDE certification once they comply with the criteria or requirements for such certification regardless of the said area.
The ordinance stipulated that the city government shall encourage a minimum of one-star BERDE certification for all buildings with a total floor area of 10,000 square meters of occupancy type within the planned unit development.
Applicants for green building certification shall secure BERDE certification from a third-party certifying body duly accredited by the Philippine Green Building Council pending accreditation of the green building division.
The ordinance mandated the creation of the Baguio City Green Building Board which shall be chaired by the City Mayor and the Chairperson of the City Council Committee on Environmental Protection as vice chairperson while the members include the Chairperson of the City Council Committee on Public works, City Building Official, City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer, City Planning and Development Officer, City Engineer, City Assessor, Developers, Business Owners and Building Managers, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE), United Architects of the Philippines (UAP), contractors and specialty trade contractors and academe.
Any person who will violate the pertinent provisions of the ordinance shall upon conviction be penalized with a fine from a minimum of PhP2,000 up to a maximum of PhP5,000 or imprisonment of two months to one year, both, at the discretion of the court. If the violator is a corporation or partnership, the penalty shall be imposed upon the president and/or general manager or the managing partner as the case may be of the erring entity. The penalties are without prejudice to the filing of the proper administrative, criminal or civil actions in the proper court or body or tribunal for violation of other laws. Dexter A. See