Get Lucky at the SM City Baguio’s Chinese New Year Exhibits

Celebrate the Year of the Tiger with Lucky Days at SM City Baguio featuring exhibits that showcase Chinese food, Lucky Forecasts, Lucky Plants, and decorative pieces until February 2, 2022.
Visit the Chinese New Year booths at the Lower Ground, near the mall atrium area. Polland Hopia offers up their wide variations of their tikoy, hopia, and many more delicious foods to serve during the Chinese New Year celebrations. The Lucky Days at SM booth feature Chinese decorative statues and colorful jewelry that is sure to brighten up your year. A plant booth is showcasing the many different lucky plants that can liven up the customer’s home or environment.
Explore the Chinese New Year Gazebo that also features the Lucky Forecast display at the 2nd level of the sunset terraces where visitors can check their luck forecast for this year. Try your luck as mallgoers can join the 2022 Lucky Forecast Scan & Win to get exciting prizes.
Bring up your fortune and abundance home, with lucky plants at the 3rd floor, Sky Terrace area as assorted plants are displayed for mallgoers to choose from such as money plant or money tree. These have many benefits such as purifying the air in customers’ homes, bringing color to the spaces, reducing stress, and are believed to bring balance to the environment.
Explore SM City Baguio to have an #AweSM and #SafeMalling experience! Visit for more information.